Feast of the Birth of John the Baptist


Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Birth of John the Baptist.

In today’s Gospel, Elizabeth gives birth to John, a miracle that amazes everyone. They name him John, meaning “God is gracious,” and people wonder about his future, recognizing God’s hand upon him.

Today’s feast, believe it or not, is placed close to the summer solstice. This timing is symbolic: as days shorten after the solstice, John’s role decreases, preparing for Christ, whose light grows after the winter solstice when we celebrate the birth of Christ.

In John’s Gospel 3:30, John the Baptist said, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” 
This aligns with the natural order: days shorten after John’s birth and lengthen after Jesus’. John prepares the way and steps back as Christ’s light increases.

Like John, we are called to prepare the way for Christ. We must live with humility, recognizing our role, and courageously proclaim the truth.

As we honor John the Baptist today, may we prepare our hearts for Christ, live humbly, and proclaim the truth boldly. Amen.


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