15th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024


I want to start today by talking about someone many of you might be familiar with: Rick Steves, the travel show host on PBS. If you’ve ever watched his show or read his travel guides, you know that Rick has a wealth of practical advice for travelers. One tip that stands out is his recommendation to pack light—ideally, to use just one carry-on bag and pack for only about a week or ten days. Rick advises this because you’re far less likely to lose carry-on luggage, and it’s always better to travel light. You can do laundry when you run out of clothes and find whatever else you need along the way.

This travel advice resonates with today’s Gospel from Mark, where Jesus sends out the Twelve. Jesus gives them some very specific packing instructions: “Take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in your belts. Wear sandals but not an extra tunic.” Essentially, Jesus is telling them to travel light.

But why would Jesus instruct His disciples this way? Let’s unpack this together.

First, Jesus is teaching His disciples to rely on God’s providence. By not taking extra supplies, they would need to trust that God would provide for their needs through the hospitality of others. This kind of trust deepens their faith and helps them to focus more on their mission rather than their material needs.

Second, traveling light makes the journey easier. Just as Rick Steves points out that lugging around heavy bags can be a burden, so too can carrying the weight of unnecessary concerns and material possessions. By traveling light, the disciples were free to move quickly and efficiently, able to adapt to whatever situation they encountered.

Third, it’s about being prepared to rely on the community. When Jesus tells the disciples to stay in the houses that welcome them, He is encouraging them to build relationships and create bonds of trust and community. This echoes the message that we are all part of the Body of Christ, interdependent and called to support one another.

So, what does this mean for us today? While we might not be setting out on missionary journeys as the disciples did, we are all called to follow Christ and spread His message in our daily lives. This Gospel invites us to reflect on what we might be carrying that weighs us down. Are there material possessions, worries, or distractions that prevent us from fully embracing our mission as followers of Christ?

Jesus’ instruction to travel light is a reminder to simplify our lives and focus on what truly matters: our relationship with God and our mission to love and serve others. When we let go of our excess baggage—whether it’s physical, emotional, or spiritual—we can better respond to God’s call and be more available to those around us.

As we continue with this Mass, let’s ask ourselves: What can we do to travel lighter in our spiritual journey? How can we trust more in God’s providence, rely on our community, and focus on what truly matters? May we take inspiration from both Rick Steves and Jesus, learning to travel light and trust in the journey ahead.


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